I get the science for the most part. What I believe we're missing is the inner connection to complete the conscious foundation necessary for it to become real. There is an inner an outer component and we're only looking at the outer side. Here's a piece from a conversation with 'people from elsewhere' that appeared in the memoirs of Wilbert Smith, who ran Canada's UFO investigation in the 1950s as part of the Ministry of Transportation budget.
"It is at once apparent that there is no prescription of any "absolute" quantity of Reality, or any scale of dimensions at all in this derivation. Therefore it follows that any and all Reality will manifest Form such that its apparent boundary will manifest half of the Reality inside and half outside. We do not know, and may never know, the total amount of Reality in the Universe, but the Form of the Universe will be such that half the Reality is inside and half outside. At the other extreme, the smallest bit of Reality that we can discern will also have this characteristic of one half being inside and the other half outside."
Whether you want to accept this 'communication' as being real or not, the notion certainly have value.