Zen Benefiel
3 min readMar 2, 2019


Odd that I’m the first to respond, yet better late than never…

I was moved by your post, Joe. In particular and with great respect for your work, I’d like to share some thoughts sparked by a comment that stood out for me.

“For the UFO question to have a truly major impact on the mass consciousness this subject will need to be transformed from an entertaining diversion and become a way of addressing the seemingly insurmountable problems our planet is facing.”

I think that statement is tantamount to the trials and tribulations of selfish human-centric behaviors. How do we really resolve those insurmountable problems? Humans are selfish still. Compassionately devoted living is far from ubiquitous, let alone common.

We treat the phenomena just like we treat the insurmountable problems — with curiosity initially, perhaps even with some passion. Then, bereft of the ability to ask the right questions or take the right actions, i.e. changing behaviors and/or habits, not much happens. Doesn’t expanded awareness and consciousness naturally lead us to those questions?

How would those actions look? What could or do we observe as evidence? What lens(es) are we looking through? How do our experiences, messages, understanding or wisdom apply as a contribution to, as the good Swami calls it, the global ‘upwising,’? Can we take our eyes off the stars and focus on bettering each other’s lives down here?

Do we really need to be distracted by disclosure? Or, are we applying the same bullying tactics as those we abhor? That paste [presence of ET/NHIB] has been out of the tube for decades in reality, yet we don’t consider it ‘official’ until political leaders acknowledge it.

It seems the truth is, other than a niche market/population, nobody seems to care all that much. It seems to be nothing more than humorous cliches or innuendos outside the ufology community. It’s a lot of work to change that behavior. We tend to rock too many boats. How do we rise the tide more effectively?

Imho, and it may be only mine, if we truly pay attention to the communication we’ve (contactees) received and understand it, it isn’t about the technological advances or TOTENCET solving our problems — just the opposite is true. That fact has been obfuscated in all the ufology gatherings which tends to distract rather than focus attention on practical goals.

The message I believe we, as experiencers, can agree on is that the human race is evolving to solve their own problems through and with indirect intervention via our ‘individual events.’ Learning how to glean the wisdom, presented from different perspectives, is a primary ‘lesson’ taught by NHIB. It’s consistent with all the other terrestrial messages that resonate with our being; our mind, heart and spirit.

From what I garner, that is the way it is done across the universe. Is it true? That is the core of the communication I and countless others have received for decades. Is there a conversation about it that makes it practical in our everyday lives? I see hints of it.

It’s my understanding that once we reach a certain stage of performance, evidence that we ‘got the memo,’ then more open contact is available. The human threat has been transformed. Right now, the barbaric overlords (another term for the human threat) of our planetary administration are bereft of solutions.

Hopefully, the people are taking up the call. Like many I’m sure, it’s overwhelming to me, still in the work-a-day world with only so much time. Still, we have to work within the systems, not necessarily with the same tools that built them, in order to facilitate the kind of change we all feel is possible.

Consciousness (our own or NHIB) can only facilitate so much. Getting our heads around that, a kind of competent cooperative consciousness, is a challenge to grok on an individual basis, let alone finding things to do collaboratively. Maybe it is the hope of help and the faith in the human race that the UFO reality is best suited to promote. We already know they respond to that kind of attention in open conversations, right?



Zen Benefiel
Zen Benefiel

Written by Zen Benefiel

Vulnerable and radically curious toward harmony among people and planet. Co-Executive Director of Live and Let Live Global Peace Movement and Foundation.

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