One World in a New World with Victor Vorski — Imagineer, Regenerative Real Estate Producer

Zen Benefiel
2 min readMar 26, 2023

As a preface to our in-depth conversation we clarify what ‘regenerative’ means in the efforts of people desiring to co-create community around the concept. He quotes Jenny Anderson, “Regeneration is about healing the story of separation between men and nature and men and men.” Are we really separate? What evidence might you cite?

Victor talks about being passionate about questions; exploring them allowing divergent perspectives in conversation regarding the question. Curiosity opens participants to creativity and exploration in more psychologically safe and intellectually humble environments as a result. His perspective on questions is quite valuable.

Reflecting his youth, he shares he didn’t quite have as dramatic an awakening as Zen. His was a bit slower, spending time in nature with his grandmother talking walks in the forest. It developed his appreciating and early fascination with nature and a sense of deeper connection with life. His reflection on living in Poland as a boy, and a realization he had…



Zen Benefiel

Vulnerable and radically curious toward harmony among people and planet. Co-Executive Director of Live and Let Live Global Peace Movement and Foundation.