Very interesting article, Deep, although I’ve heard and seen similar comparisons made, though it’s been rare, only because I’ve been here a bit longer. My guess is Moore’s Law needs a rework when it comes to our innovation and technological progress. Intel’s facility is only a mile away and soon to welcome another 3,000 employees. ;)
The capacity for our technology to reach those levels is far distant for two reasons; mental and material. We tend to associate solely material and/or mechanical means to the nature of the capacity UAPs/UFOs have for maneuverability. No doubt there are valid points to the argument, though we forget the mental involvement indicated by the touch pads on the Roswell craft. It’s a fairly well known fact that most communications with experiencers are telepathic in nature, some even report the ships appear to be managed organically where mind and matter work together.
It appears that the fusion of thought and technology may be what gives the ships the capacity to move so quickly, kind of thought-directed tesseract of sorts. This kind of thinking isn’t new, albeit far fetched, though we have some comparisons in the subtle activity many experience in thought-to-reality scenarios that develop spontaneously and often synchronistically. We often dismiss those events out of hand as just weird and inexplicable.
If some individuals can move objects with their mind in this day and age, imagine what might be possible for a civilization thousands of years ahead of us. Fear and superstitions that have suppressed knowledge of ‘psychic’ abilities innate to our evolutionary development are still affecting our lenses, it seems, as no correlation with ‘psycho-spiritual’ technologies with UAP/UFO events has been forthcoming.
I know it is very challenging for scientists, especially materialists, to grok the possibility of something intangible being part of the scenario. I don’t know about you, yet I think it is irresponsible not to consider the notion, deeply.