Zephyr — Beyond the Gossamer Veil

Zen Benefiel
6 min readOct 22, 2022

We’ve all had weird stuff happen in our lives, right? Of course, some much weirder than others. Suffice it to say that many who have experiences with ‘other’ worlds and beings across the realms of consciousness have a much different challenge in life. The door that has opened for them is closed tight for the majority of the population, which presents a challenge of both sanity (perception of others) and vulnerability (trust in the truth) for those who share their inner lives.

I’m one of those and have had challenges my entire life because of it. Would I change that? No. It’s tremendously rewarding internally and, over time, became of value personally and professionally in the respect garnered through bringing those discussions to the general public. Those began in 1990, with One World public access TV show and curious conversations with nearly 200 from different walks of life. But I digress…

I titled this piece with the name of one I met during a meditation in 1975 in my first year in college. I’d been reading Carlos Castaneda’s works of the time, just finishing Journey to Ixtlan, the third of the series to date. I’d been thinking about the aspect of having an ‘ally’ or ‘guide’ from another realm, as had been mentioned in the books. I was one who silently, from within, asked a lot of questions in hopes of answers. I prayed about having a guide. Did I have one? What is their name? How could I communicate with them?

A Real College Education



Zen Benefiel

Vulnerable and radically curious toward harmony among people and planet. Co-Executive Director of Live and Let Live Global Peace Movement and Foundation.